Scott School Climate Plan ¡Somos Scott! | |
Core Values Perseverance Inclusiveness Integrity Dedication to Excellence | Valores Fundamentales Sí Se Puede (Perseverancia) Inclusividad Integridad Dedicación a la Excelencia |
2024-2025 |
Scott Mission Statement
To create innovative thinkers who are invested in lifelong learning: We provide an engaging and personalized education that builds trusting relationships with our students, families, and local community.
Para formar estudiantes que piensen críticamente y que sean dueños de transformar su futuro nosotros: Ofrecemos una educación personalizada y de calidad que fomenta relaciones de confianza con nuestros estudiantes, familias y comunidad.
Scott Vision Statement
As a diverse community we empower learners to be critical thinkers who own their future.
Como una comunidad diversa formamos estudiantes que piensan críticamente y que son dueños de transformar su futuro.
What Is School Climate?
School Climate encompasses culturally relevant Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), restorative practices and schoolwide social-emotional learning opportunities for all students in their classrooms. Racial equity and social justice is woven into all aspects of school climate to ensure that all students feel a sense of belonging and have a positive school experience.
In alignment with the School Vision, our professional educators strive to create classrooms that highlight and affirm differences in culture. Student voices are raised and opportunities for meaningful impact on the school are given through Restorative Justice, affinity groups, student council, and schoolwide assemblies. Students are given opportunities to reflect on their own identity (mirrors) as well as explore diverse identities of others (windows).
windows mirrors
School climate is an essential component of the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. MTSS is a proactive, data-driven practice used at Portland Public Schools to support all students. It uses evidence-based instruction, intervention and assessment practices to ensure that every student receives the appropriate level of support based on their level of need. Within an MTSS structure, all students receive sustaining Tier I universal supports. Additional supports are provided for students that need them through Tier II interventions (targeted group supports), and Tier III interventions (individualized supports). These tiered academic and behavioral interventions help eliminate barriers to learning and enable every student to successfully reach their full potential.
Our School’s Core Values are
1. Perseverance: I try things in new ways, even when I make mistakes.
Perseverancia: Intento cosas de nuevas maneras, incluso cuando cometo errores.
2. Inclusiveness: I show care to all people.
Inclusividad: Pienso en todas las personas.
3. Integrity: I follow expectations, especially when no one is looking.
Integridad: Sigo las expectativas, especialmente cuando nadie me mira.
4. Dedication to Excellence: I try my best to be my best.
Dedicación A La Excelencia: Hago lo mejor que puedo para hacer lo mejor posible.
Our Core Values were created with student and staff input. Posters are distributed throughout the building in order to make them visible to students, staff and families. The intention is to send a consistent message about what our school community values and how it looks different in various common areas. This will help us ensure that our core values are inclusive and affirming.
Students need to understand and exercise our core values on a regular basis to master the skills to be successful and prepared to be college and career ready. All adults acknowledge and reinforce these core values when interacting with students.
Our core values are woven into our regular teaching practices in every lesson and in every class period throughout the grade levels. Staff name them consistently and strategically teach and review our core values throughout the school year.
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
Seguro/Safe — Respetuoso/Respectful — Responsable/Responsible — Amable/Kind | |
All students are taught the common area expectations at least three times a year after long breaks.
Common Area Expectations Lesson Plans
Each Scott student deserves to come to school and feel seen, safe and valued. In order to make this happen, adults across the school intentionally support all students by implementing the following:
When Tier 1 classroom and schoolwide supports are not enough to ensure student success, students may be brought to the school Student Intervention Team (SIT) to develop and implement Tier II and III interventions.
The Student Intervention Team (SIT) is a collaborative, general education solution-generating team made up of a variety of school perspectives. The purpose of the SIT is to
Utilizing an equity lens, the team considers the whole student when making decisions that affect their long-term educational experience and sense of belonging in PPS. SIT works to provide every student and adult what they need to thrive in the general education setting. Families are notified about student strengths and challenges, as well as planned interventions, at all points in the process.
Tier II Behavior Interventions | ||
Function: Access/Obtain Affirmations Check In/Check Out Social Emotional Skills Group | Function: Escape/Avoid Social Emotional Skills Group | |
Tier III Behavior Practices & Intervention | ||
PRACTICES (non-exhaustive) Safety Plan Plan for Managing Escalating Behaviors (with FBA/BSP) | INTERVENTION (exhaustive) Individualized interventions outlined in the FBA/BSP |
Behavior level calibration will be conducted by building staff in order to properly reflect the evolving needs of our community and to accommodate the diverse racial, cultural, linguistic and developmental needs of our school.
Defining & Classifying Behaviors | ||||
Low Level Behaviors Behaviors are handled on the spot using simple redirections, support strategies and teachable moments Repeated:teacher contacts parent. | Minor/Stage 1 Classroom Managed Behaviors PPS Stage 1 report used-Teacher makes contact with guardian by phone, voice mail, email or in person as needed. | Major/Stage 2/3 Office referrals: Teacher will contact the parent. Admin or SCS will make follow up contact by phone or in person with the guardian within 24-48 hours as needed. | ||
| Swearing/Vulgarity (written/spoken)
| Swearing/Vulgarity (written/spoken)
| ||
Vandalism/Theft/Misuse of Property
| Vandalism/Theft/Misuse of Property
| Vandalism/Theft/Misuse of Property
| ||
Classroom Attentiveness
| Classroom Disruption
| Chronic/Serious Classroom Disruption
| ||
Reluctant Compliance
| Ignoring Instructions
| Defiance
| ||
| Harassment
| Harassment/Bullying
| ||
Hands/Feet/Objects to Self
| Rowdiness
| Fighting/Aggression
The Scott staff has created and calibrated around a flowchart to describe how staff respond to unexpected behavior. If a student is escalated such that the flowchart below does not meet their needs, they may utilize the school's de-escalation space. De-escalation spaces are a predesignated space in the school, not the classroom, for students to de-escalate with adult support. At Scott, this may be the School Climate Specialist’s Office, the administrative office or the de-escalation space.
De-escalate, Resolve, Restore, Re-teach, Return to Learning
Every teacher will have an Effective Classroom Practices Plan (ECP Plan). ECP Plans will be shared with administration no later than the day before back to school night. Co-creating classroom practices reduces variability between classrooms and makes it more consistent for students. Some sample plans are provided below and professional development time will be provided in the first two weeks of school to complete these documents.
The Effective Classroom Practices Plan includes the essential features of effective classroom practices: Structure, teaching expectations, acknowledging positive behaviors, and supporting regulation & restorative practices.
PERSEVERANCE - I try things in new ways, even when I make mistakes.
INCLUSIVENESS - I show care to all people.
INTEGRITY - I follow expectations, especially when no one is looking.
DEDICATION TO EXCELLENCE - I try my best to be my best.
PERSEVERANCIA - Intento cosas de nuevas maneras, incluso cuando cometo errores.
INCLUSIVIDAD - Pienso en todas las personas.
INTEGRIDAD - Sigo las expectativas, especialmente cuando nadie me mira.
DEDICACIÓN A LA EXCELENCIA - Hago lo mejor que puedo para hacer lo mejor posible.
Each month we focus, as a school, on one of our four core values. This focus takes place in classrooms across the school and during our School Values Assemblies. Below you will find the identified value for each month.
Research shows that when staff observe and acknowledge students exhibiting appropriate behaviors, those behaviors will increase and misbehaviors will decrease. Specific praise is extremely important in increasing the recurrence of appropriate behaviors. When observing appropriate behaviors in the common areas/ classrooms/ buses, all staff acknowledge students exhibiting our core values verbally and by offering Scottie Paws along with specific praise. Scottie Paw drawings take place regularly in classrooms and weekly during lunch for incentives.
The Culturally Responsive Tiered Fidelity Inventory (CR-TFI) guides the action planning for the implementation of a positive school climate and connects directly with this School Climate Plan.
2022-2023 TFI scores & Action Plan
2023-2024 Schoolwide Comprehensive Improvement Plan (SCIP)
Successful Schools Survey (SSS)
2022-2023 SSS Data
Portland Public Schools 2/7/2023