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Woodmere Handbook for Students and Family
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Woodmere Handbook for Students and their Families


Rules, Policies and Information for Woodmere families

Woodmere strives to be a school that promotes the values of Kindness,Creativity, Hardwork & Anti-Racism throughout our community.

Table of context

General information:        1

Staff directory:        2

EQUITY in Learning at Woodmere        4

Procedures and Routines:        4

Attendance and Check-Out Procedures        4

Accident / Illness / Medications Policy        5

Bikes / Scooters / Skateboards/ Unicycles        6

Birthdays        7

Buses / Transportation        7

Cell phone policy        7

Classroom Placement Policy        8

Dogs and/or Pets on campus        8

Field Trips        8

Lice Information – PPS Policy        8

Lost and Found        9

Moving ?        9

Online activity        9

School Visits and volunteering        9

Student Discipline Policy        9

Student Dress and Apparel Policy (PPS policy)        10

Using  the Telephone        10

Valuables at School        10

Woodmere Instructional Programs        11

Arts at Woodmere        11

Safety Patrol        11

School Meals        12

Special Education (SPED)        12

SUN – Schools Uniting Neighborhoods        12

TAG- Talented and Gifted program- coordinator: Molly Walker        12

Woodmere Procedures: Safety Procedures        12

Bus safety :        12

Emergency Procedures and Drills:        12

Maintaining a Safe school Environment :        16

General information:

Principal: Katherine Polizos

Assistant Principal: Rose Vu

School Phone Number: 503-916-6373

Office Hours: 7:45 AM to 3:00 PM

SUN office: 503-734-5423

Daily Schedule-  K- 5th grade

7:53 doors open for students to get breakfast

8:00 start of day bell (students entering after this should need to enter at main door to sign in)

11:20-11:40 4th/5th grade lunch          

11:40-12:05 4th/5th grade recess         

11:45-12:05   2nd/3rd grade lunch        

12:05-12:30        2nd/3rd grade recess        

12:30-12:50 K/1st grade lunch                

12: 50-1:15 K/1st grade recess                

2:30 close of school day.

Don’t forget to let your teacher know when you pick up your student.

In School, On Time, Every Day!

We value the Partnership Between Home and School

Our belief is that our students, your children, benefit from home and school working together to improve the educational program and to solve problems as they arise. There are several general guidelines we utilize in order to maximize communication between home and school. We encourage regular communication to work with your child’s teacher so that your child’s learning is maximized.  Children mirror your attitude toward the teacher and learning.  Please keep this in mind at all times. Your support and commitment to your child’s education will help ensure their success in school!

When a problem arises, questions and concerns should first be referred to the teacher.  

If this is not successful or feasible, the Principal or AP  will assist with problem solving.  The principal serves as a facilitator/coordinator between families and staff so that problems are worked out and communication is improved.

Staff directory:

All Woodmere staff can be reached by calling the main office. The office will transfer you to teacher rooms before and after school or to voicemail during the teaching day. If the message is time sensitive and needs to be in the teachers hands before the end of school day please leave a message with the secretary you speak to. These will be delivered to the classrooms before dismissal.

OFFICE STAFF                

Katherine Polizos                Principal                        Office       

Rose Vu                        Assistant Principal                Office                Rose Vu

Teresa Pfenning                Principal’s Secretary                Office      

Donald Munson                School Secretary                 Office      


Kayla  Wells                            Site manager                        1 SUN      

Jontae Bridges                  Extended Day Coordinator        1SUN       

                                Family Resource Navigator         


Emily Sanborn                        Counselor                        12       

Kristen Clark                             Climate specialist                      14      

Molly Sutherland                Climate EA                        14      

Jodi Pope                        Social worker                        Library Annex                 

Melissa Richman                         SPED        learning center        LC 13        

Brian Erksa                              SPED        learning center        LC 13       

Katie Parry                         Paraeducator                        LC 13                

Shianne Cross                            School Psychologist                library annex

Annelise Bliss                            Speech                                stage      

Natalia Gunther                ESL                                            P1              

Kenneth Johnson                ESL                                P1              

TBD                                            Bilingual EA (spanish)                P1                

Ed  Rosario                           PE                                Gym       

Daphne Barnum                    Music                                21              

Rachel Hawkins                Art                                22       

TBD                                                Librarian                        Library         

Rachelle Smith                        Head Custodian                      Boiler Room 

John                                                   Evening Custodian

Classroom Staff

Name                                Position                        Room

Graham Andanen                       Kindergarten                              24       

Jill Baker-Carter                          Kindergarten EA                        24

Emily Kinney                          Kindergarten                              23               

Kathleen Loughran                    Kindergarten EA                         23

Dixie Welter                             CB K-2                                8      

  Maggie Evans                        paraeducator                        8

  Laura  Jefferies                paraeducator                        8

  Henry Hawkins                paraeducator                        8

Julia Bowers                                   CB 1-4                                          9       

  Jason Leith                        paraeducator                        9

  Wednesday DeLio                paraeducator                        9

  Margerat Preston                paraeducator                        9

Kristen Bassaloff                1st grade                                   15          

Lisa Robertson                          1st grade                                    16            

Dina Zadoff                                   2nd grade                                  25       

Heather Smith                            2nd grade                                   26        

Annie Choi                         3rd grade                                    48      

Samantha Flores                3rd grade                        46       

Molly Walker                            4th grade                                    39        

Micaiah Buted                              4th grades                                  40               

Heidi Zepeda                                   5th grades                              38          

Zach Stone                                    5th grade                                    46       

EQUITY in Learning at Woodmere

A graduate of Portland Public Schools will be a compassionate critical thinker, able to collaborate and solve problems, and be prepared to lead a more socially just world. Woodmere recognizes that past practices at Woodmere have disproportionately failed our students of Color and caused harm to their sense of belonging and their own feelings of competence. This is something we aim to rectify with help from our community.

Our current school improvement goals are designed to help us get closer to being the school that our students deserve and want. A school where achievement is no longer predictable by race, gender, ethnicity, or income.  As part of these efforts, we have identified the following three primary goals within our school continuous improvement plan.


Procedures and Routines:

Attendance and Check-Out Procedures

Regular attendance is important to school success!  Please help us by bringing your child on-time, every day.  Every day is valuable instruction; we ask that you try to schedule family vacations and appointments during school breaks.  

Goal: Our students will be in school, on time, every day.  We will focus this goal in two areas: Attendance and Punctuality.  Each student will have:

If your child will be absent: Call 503.916.6373 or email 

If your child will be late:

If your child needs to leave early:

Early pick Up for appointments: Students need to be collected by an adult before 2:15. The office will not be able to call for a student to be picked up between 2:15 and 2:30. Families arriving after 2:15 will have to wait until 2:30 will have to wait until classes come out for dismissal.



Accident / Illness / Medications Policy

Please keep your child home if he/she is ill. Please call the school to report absence and inform them of the nature of symptoms.  Please remember to call every day your child is absent.  A more detailed list of when to keep your child home is available in the office. Students with COVID systems will need to remain home for the full five days after testing positive or onset of symptoms but must have been fever free without fever reducing drugs for 24 hours before doing so.

Our School Health assistant from MESD works out of the main office everyday. Only basic first aid care may be given at school.  In case of serious accident or illness, we will:

  1.  Contact parent(s) or legal guardian.
  2.  Contact the given emergency contact(s).
  3. Take the child to the hospital or call 911 depending on the need.


In order for the school to administer any medication, which includes prescription and over-the-counter medication, (cough drops, antacids, ointments, lotions, aspirin, etc.), the following procedures are required:

  1. A parent  or custodial adult must bring in the medication and sign an authorization form allowing school personnel to administer or assist the student in taking medical.
  2. The child’s doctor must give written instructions for any prescription medication. These instructions may be included on the prescription label or in a separate note from the child’s doctor.
  3. All medication, including over-the-counter medications, must be in the original containers.
  4. Students are not allowed to carry medication to or from school or on school grounds.

Bikes / Scooters / Skateboards/ Unicycles

Students may  ride bikes, scooters, unicycles, and skateboards to and from school.  For safety reasons, they should not ride them on school property.  If your student’s scooter or skateboard cannot be stored in a backpack it must be locked up at the bike racks.  If it cannot be easily stored in a backpack or outside, please leave it at home.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen property.  Students are expected to wear helmets.  


As a special moment in your child’s year, we are grateful for your interest in doing something special.  Families are allowed to bring in treats for their child’s birthday, considering the following procedure:  

  1. A visit must be scheduled with the classroom teacher in advance. The teacher is responsible for informing the office who will notify the teacher when items arrive in the office for pick up.
  2. If a student in the class has an allergy, food may be brought ONLY if it is made without that particular food allergen.  Due to high rates of peanut allergies in the general population peanut free treats are preferred even if no known allergy is identified
  3. All food must be store-bought. As an alternative, school supplies such as pencils and stickers may be passed out.
  4. Gloves must be worn to pass out food.

Buses / Transportation

Bus stop information can be found at 

Cell phone  and devices policy (this policy encompasses all devices not owned by the school)

Student cell phones and devices should be turned off or silenced during the school day and should not be in use on school grounds with the exception of with the permission and supervision of a staff-member.  Staff will remind students to put away and turn off cell phones and devices as they come onto campus. Students may be allowed to use cell phones by teachers for educational purposes such as to look up a word, utilize the calculator or translate information. Smart watches and other devices that allow students to upload images to social media and other web based platforms, text or chat with friends pose a threat to student privacy while on campus and should have online features blocked during the school day. If this is not possible care givers will be notified and asked to keep the device at home.

Teachers will remind students to put away and turn off their cell phone and other devices if it is brought out during the school day. Students who have been reminded but continue to access or play on their phones will be asked to lock them in the teachers desk or leave them with the main office till the end of the day. Should a cell phone become a disruption to the learning environment, the teacher or administrator will ask the parent to pick up the cell phone.

Classroom Placement Policy

We believe that children benefit from learning in a classroom that is representative of the greater community in which they live. Our process for creating balanced classrooms starts at the end of each school year when we ask the current grade level team to create two balanced classroom cohorts. Teachers are asked to consider the following variables in creating these cohorts. This includes ensuring that all students have academic peers (students with similar learning needs and learning styles) and social peers (other students who they partner well with and/or have affinity to). Teachers also have to take into consideration the workload required for differentiating for students who are identified for TAG, SpEd, 504s or ESL services when building these cohorts. After these cohorts are created the admin team assigns specific teachers with input for the SpEd department, our climate coach, and counselor.

By taking these many factors into consideration we aim to maximize the intellectual, emotional, and social development of each child. Each new school year gives your student an opportunity to develop new friends and an opportunity to work with new classmates. This is a life-long skill that is necessary for joining new groups, clubs, and teams, as well as success in middle school, high school, and beyond. School staff put a great deal of effort and energy into smoothing the transition between grade levels. Student placement is one of the most important processes that we perform each Spring.  Numerous hours are spent carefully placing each child to create balanced, heterogeneous groupings. Because we are a small school with only two strands per grade, we can not ensure a balanced classroom and take individual parent requests for specific teachers. We have found that honoring these types of requests creates tension in teams.

Dogs and/or Pets on campus

All dogs and/or pets must be kept on a leash when on school grounds. Qualified Service animals are welcome. Pets are NOT allowed in the building and must not be left tied up & unattended outside the school building.  Please do not bring dogs and/or pets on walking field trips or to school events. 

Field Trips

Food for classroom activities

Every year classes celebrate the classroom community this builds friendships, and encourages positive behavior. Teachers may ask for snacks to be brought from home for these events. We ask that parents provide snacks within reasonable limits. Snacks should be limited in quantity and calories. Due to student health concerns teachers may  not be  able to serve snacks that contain or may contain nuts, dairy, or certain other allergens. Please check with your teacher before purchasing snacks to ensure that no allergies or health sensitivities are present in your child's class.

Lice Information – PPS Policy

Below is the current PPS position on handling head lice in schools.  Work with your school nurse if you suspect lice. Some additional resources are:




A student with live lice will be excluded from school, and sent home with lice treatment information.

Lost and Found

A large quantity of forgotten jackets, sweaters and other items accumulate at school.

Moving ?

Sometimes families move during the school year. Often they elect to go to their new neighborhood school as it is convenient, develops a sense of community and a good way for the student to meet other children in the neighborhood.  However, if you move but are still in the Portland Public School District your student may attend Woodmere through the end of the year.  Please see the office for more information.

If you housing has become uncertain or you are sharing a home with other, please contact our office right away. You may be eligible for TITLE X services under the Mckinney Vento Act

Online activity

Student conduct online is expected to follow all district and school codes of conduct. (board policy) Online activity outside of school hours that interferes with the learning environment is also subject to school disciplinary procedures and may result in disciplinary action should other students be harmed through bullying, threats, or harassment.

School Visits and volunteering

Families are welcome to visit our school. Visiting in the classrooms must be pre arranged with the teacher. If the visit is for the purpose of volunteering (student facing activities) the adult must have completed the background check in advance)  Students from other schools, visiting relatives and pets are not permitted to make classroom visitations during regular school hours.  

We encourage any adult to get vaccinated before being on campus to protect the health of the children and caregivers in our community.

Volunteering is a great way to ensure the success of our students.  Woodmere families log many volunteer hours through tutoring, helping in classrooms, assisting in the copy room, chaperoning field trips, fundraising, teaching art and helping with art residencies and after-school activities.  Through the Parent Group, families help plan and implement a variety of community building events.

If you are interested in volunteering, whether at school or working from home, there are plenty of opportunities.  Watch the Woodmere Weekly for ways to get involved.

Volunteers should visit to view a Mandatory Volunteer Training and to access the online volunteer application.

(The SUN office has a parent computer available if you can not access this from home)

Student Discipline Policy

 Woodmere staff recognizes that students are learning the appropriate behavior and approaches discipline as a learning opportunity by utilizing a relational discipline approach. This approach relies heavily on restorative justice strategies to help students identify the expected behavior, make amends when harm is done and restore relationships with those that have been harmed so they can return to class as quickly and smoothly as possible.  

Woodmere School Climate can be found at Woodmere School Climate Handbook -Current

Student rights and responsibilities can be found at

Student Dress and Apparel Policy (PPS policy)

The responsibility for the dress and grooming of a student rests primarily with the student and his or her parents or guardians.

Using  the Telephone

The school telephone is for school business. Except in cases of emergency, we do not call students or teachers from the classroom to talk on the telephone during the school day.  The office will be glad to relay important messages or transfer you to voicemail. However, we ask that families avoid calling the school on a regular basis regarding babysitting, play dates, transportation or supervision changes unless an emergency exists.

Students must have permission from a teacher or administrator and be supervised to use a school phone.

Valuables at School

Be sure your child can properly secure their bike, unicycle, skateboard and/or scooter, as the school cannot be responsible for stolen property. Students are cautioned not to bring any electronic equipment/games, cell phones, toys or other costly items to school. If a family feels strongly that their student needs to carry a cell phone, it should be stored in a backpack during the day or given to a teacher to lock up.  Once again, the school will not be responsible if it is lost or stolen.

Woodmere Instructional Programs

Arts at Woodmere

The arts program at Woodmere has several components.  The Dolphin dash raises money that is used to bring artists in residence and performers into the school.

Music and Art are  part of our core program and is provided to all students twice per week for a semester each

Art based clubs may be offered by individual staff during lunch recesses at some grades. These are optional and meant to build community for students interested in the subject.

We hope to organize a family event at the end of each term to celebrate the creativity of our students moving forward.

SUN provides after-school arts enrichment classes throughout the year to further round out our arts experience.

Climate Plan is updated each year to reflect changes in district and school policy. This can also be viewed on our public facing website.

Safety Patrol

Student Volunteers patrol the crosswalks on Duke at  78th and 80th street intersections each day at the opening and closing of school: 8:25-8:37 and 2:55-3:07.  Please see the  Woodmere Safety Patrol Coordinator, Jim Stultz, if you have any concerns or questions.

School Meals

Breakfast, snack, and lunch will be served, free of charge, to all students at Woodmere during the 2019-20 school year. We maintain a peanut free table in the center of the cafeteria to protect students with allergies.

Adult visitors and staff may purchase a meal at the cost of 5.50 this year.

Students may bring a  lunch or snack to eat with their lunch from home. As part of our district's commitment to teaching healthy habits  students may not bring soda’s or share snacks unless part of a birthday celebration and individually portioned.

Special Education (SPED)

SpED is a program that supports students with specific learning and social emotional learning based on disability. Students may be referred to SPED in several ways.

SUN – Schools Uniting Neighborhoods

SUN provides more than just after  school programming. SUN runs our community Food bank and organizes weekly food donations and food distribution to families. Kayla and Coach Tae can also help connect families with community services such as the clothes closet, or emergency housing or utilities support etc.

TAG- Talented and Gifted program- coordinator: Molly Walker

 Portland Public Schools’ Talented and Gifted website is and has many resources and lots of information for families .



Woodmere Procedures: Safety Procedures

Climate plan included in a separate handbook.

Bus safety :

The district requires bus tags for all K-3 and new ESL students who ride the bus during the first three weeks of school Woodmere will give tags to the classroom teachers.  The teacher is responsible for ensuring the student wears the tag at dismissal time and is given another tag if one is lost.

Emergency Procedures and Drills:

Woomdere participates in monthly safety drills. Fire drills occur each month and allow students to practice evacuation routes and classroom reunification. Two times a year students will also participate in lockdown, earthquake and lockdown team response drills.

Bio Hazard/Suspicious Chemical Spill –

Earthquakes –

Electrical Outage –

Evacuations –

Lock Down –

The purpose of a Lock Down signal is to provide the Incident Commander with a means for alerting staff and students that there is an emergency situation in the school and that for a period of time, movement in the school will be restricted.  

Lock Down – Is used when there is:

  1. an active shooter in the school or
  2. shots being fired or
  3. a hostage situation

Secure the perimeter – Is activated when there is an unsafe situation outside the school building.  Designated personnel are assigned to secure the exterior doors to the building.  

Medical Emergency –

Family Reunification-

In the event that an emergency situation makes it unsafe to remain at the . Families will be notified to meet at the evacuation site to be reunified with students. Students will only be released to adults that are designated on student registration forms for pick up.

Adults should be prepared to:

Team Response – Is used, at the discretion of the Incident Commander when in her/his opinion an emergency/crisis has occurred and it requires the holding of students for a period of time.  The command activates the School Emergency Team who will respond to the Command Post and receive their instructions.  All adults not having direct supervision of children will report to a designated location and assist in the searching of the school for stray children and guests. 

Maintaining a Safe school Environment :

ID:  All adults in the building during the school day are to wear ID tags in a highly visible spot in the chest area at all times during the school day.  Adults without ID tags are to be escorted to the office by staff members.

Students and Families We ask that students and Families:


Updated 6/29/2024