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Woodlawn _2021-24 School Continuous Improvement Plan
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Woodlawn School Continuous Improvement Plan


Instructions: Please see this document for expectations/instructions. Title I schools are required to address the supplemental questions in this document in your plan. If you have suggestions for improving this template, reach out to your ASD.




Andrea Porter-Lopez

Date initiated: June 20, 2021, update: June  1, 2022, August 12, 2022




Support every child to participate as active learners and to make both academic and social emotional growth.

Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary

What data did our team examine?

Think about attendance and engagement. Potential data sources include FIT, TFI, MAP, Successful Schools Survey, Attendance Data, State Assessments, School-Generated Surveys, ODRs, Exclusions. 

ADM (Average Daily Membership) from weekly District ADM reports

Weekly attendance reports from Monique Johnson, targeting chronic and severe percentages/numbers

Teacher reports of family and student concerns (some direct family and student requests) and participation

A definition of participation: student engagement show in at least one of four ways: attending a live sessions, completing an assigned activity, working in an assigned app from Clever, having a direct connection with the teacher through call

Wrap-around team supports being provided to families regarding connectivity and attendance

Referrals to SIT and/or SART for engagement/participation/attendance

During PLC's (grade level teams and articulated K-2 and 3-5 teams), SART, MTSS team meetings, staff meetings, teachers and specialists reviewed data for all student groups. Successful Schools Survey 2020 and 2022 was included.

The 2022 FIT results were reviewed

Winter MAP 2022 and DIBELS results


2023 Winter MAP scores

Schoolwide Benchmark Reading: 56% at or above benchmark Reading (+6% from Winter 2022)

Current 1st grade: 61%at or above benchmark Reading

Current 2nd grade: 63% at or above benchmark Reading (+9% from Winter 2022)

Current 3rd grade: 52% at or above benchmark Reading (-12% from Winter 2022)

Current 4th grade: 61% at or above benchmark Reading (+6% from Winter 2022)

Current 5th grade: 52% at or above benchmark Reading (+13% from Winter 20222)


2023 Spring MAP scores

Schoolwide Benchmark Reading: 52% at or above benchmark Reading (-4% from Winter 2023)

Current 1st grade: 63% at or above benchmark Reading (+3% from Winter 2023)

Current 2nd grade: 61% at or above benchmark Reading (-2% from Winter 2023)

Current 3rd grade: 54% at or above benchmark Reading  (+2% from Winter 2022)

Current 4th grade: 64% at or above benchmark Reading  (-3% from Winter 2023)

Current 5th Grade: 52% at or above benchmark Reading  (no movement)

Student participation in leadership groups

Teacher, Family and Student feedback about climate (school, CDL, political)

Identifying gaps in content related to RESJ

Teaching Tolerance Social Justice Standards work (staffwide)

What do you notice?

More opportunities for honing skills in social justice work are needed, through lessons and activities led by teachers/staff and students

Relationships and support can change a students ADM

Grade level teams created essential skills for students

Intervention time must happen daily and supports for lagging skills must be provided in a timely way (daily, scheduled, supported with curriculum, e.g.)

We noticed that teacher/school communication practices with families improved during CDL and we’d like to continue those practices into 2021-22 and beyond.

What inequities in student outcomes did you notice and want to bring forward in planning?

Disaggregate by race, gender, orientation, students with disabilities and students learning English.

Limited supports for predictable participation for some students, predominantly students of color and those with a SpEd identification

Kindergarten and first graders with little to no school experience (parents, too)

Phone and internet reliability adds to a students (and staff) ability to connect more regularly, predominantly students of color

Students home situations for learning and for daily living are varied and at times unsupported for learning, predominantly our students of color

Tier 2 interventions must be provided in a timely way, in class

Portland Public Schools Board Goals Adopted Summer 2022:

Third Grade OSAS Reading

  • African American Students  by 5.5 percentage points per year.
  • Pacific Islanders by 5.0 percentage points per year.
  • Native - American  Students by 6.1 percentage points per year.
  • Latino Student by 3.9 percentage points per year.
  • Asian Students by 2.6 percentage points per year.

Fifth Grade OSAS Mathematics

  • African American Students  by 4.4 percentage points per year.
  • Pacific Islanders by 4.1 percentage points per year.
  • Native - American  Students by 3.5 percentage points per year.
  • Latino Student by 3.2 percentage points per year.
  • Asian Students by 1.2 percentage points per year.

What needs did our data review elevate?

There are students who move between Chronic to Severe attendance categories weekly; with increased communication/support from school staff, will the student attendance not move into Severe?

Students and families would benefit from more activities/lessons of empowerment including feedback (voice, choice, adjustments) around Racial Equity, Social Justice, and the BLM movement

Professional Development opportunities for staff that include self-reflection and understanding of the social justice standards in our own practice (Identity, Diversity, Justice, Action)

Using Courageous Conversation guidelines and protocols in meetings and PLC, centering race in our data discussions and reflecting on our own biases in our work with students and families

Relationships with students need a focused effort to support growth in SEL, ADM, academic achievement, self-empowerment

ELD Programs Verification

Link to Form

  • I have filled out the ELD Programs Verification Forms for 2021-22

TAG Building Plan Verification

Link to Form

  • I have filled out the TAG FOCUS Checklist for 2021-22

Goal 1:


By 2024, 75% or higher of K-5 students will perform AVERAGE or above on overall math achievement based on MAP Math or state assessments.

What does your evidence show?

What is working? What is not?

What will you do? What adjustments are needed?


By 2022

By 2023

By 2024

Decrease by 50% percent the number of 5th grade students performing LOW on their overall MAP math achievement or state assessment.

Fifth grade Math OSAS meet/exceed percent growth:

  • African American Students  by 4.4 percentage points per year. ( from 8.6 to 13.0)
  • Pacific Islanders by 4.1 percentage points per year. (from  0 to 4.1)
  • Native - American  Students by 3.5 percentage points per year.
  • Latino Student by 3.2 percentage points per year. (from  13.0 to 16.2)
  • Asian Students by 1.2 percentage points per year. (from  0 to 1.2)

Have 75% or higher of K-5 students performing at AVERAGE or above on overall MAP math achievement or state assessments.

mid-year MAP math data: 58% of K-5 students met MAP

End of year 2023 Map data:

51% of K-5 students met MAP

Math acceleration tutor at 4 and 5 is helping focal students

teachers pulling small groups during WIN

EA support during math block to pull group for support with lagging skills in 5th, 2nd and 1st (Bridges intervention and mypath)

deliberate focus on math during WIN… perhaps shift reading group structures?

PD on student discourse tied to problem solving

add 15 minutes to math block and shorten core instruction time 2-3 days per week to allow time for tier 2 groups during math class time

Goal 2:


By 2024, 80% or higher of K-5 students will perform AVERAGE or above on overall reading achievement based on MAP Reading, DIBELS or state assessments.

What does your evidence show?

What is working? What is not?

What will you do? What adjustments are needed?


By 2022

By 2023

By 2024

Decrease by 50% percent the number of 3rd grade students performing LOW on their overall MAP reading achievement or state assessment.

Third Grade Reading OSAS meet/exceed percent growth:

  • African American Students  by 5.5 percentage points per year. (from 14.3 to 19.8)
  • Pacific Islander by 5.0 percentage points per year. (from 0 to 5.0)
  • Native - American  Students by 6.1 percentage points per year.
  • Latino Student by 3.9 percentage points per year. (from 17.4 to 21.3)
  • Asian Students by 2.6 percentage points per year.

Have 80% or higher of K-5 students performing at AVERAGE or above on overall MAP reading achievement, DIBELS or state assessments.

winter overall reading for K-5th is 56% (down from 59% in fall)

Map for 1st is 61% meeting and 2nd-5th is at 57% meeting, K on DIBELS in 46%

Fundations is strong. Reading groups pull out and in class

HDT started

parent tutors started in K-1

Add geodes into K-2, tutors for foundational skills in K-1

continue to support (buy/train) curriculum materials for gen ed teacher that support the reading needs of student in their WIN time

Goal 3:

School Climate

By 2024, all relevant school teams will use Tier I, Tier II and Tier III student empowerment and engagement outcome data (Successful Schools Survey) to assess and adapt Tier I, Tier II and Tier III support practices.

What does your evidence show?

What is working? What is not?

What will you do? What adjustments are needed?


By 2022

By 2023

By 2024

Increase by at least 8% in each student engagement section as measured by Successful Schools Survey.

Increase by 8% in each student engagement section per named category on the Successful Schools Survey

Overall 3 year 25% increase in student engagement section as measured by Successful Schools Survey.

59% of students across school have good attendance

71 stage ⅔ referrals from 17 students

Students on CICO, behavior plans (not official BIP)

SIT process

NPFH started

Lunch bunches

counseling plan and teaching


Counseling lessons

NPFH activities

Student engagement is at 68%, there was no change in the 2022-2023 school year. We did not increase by 8%.

Woodlawn will continue our counseling lessons, teacher-lead SEL, and NPFH activities, but we will add school engagement activities targeted to specific groups and special months (for instance, Latinx Heritage Month activities).

Annual Evidence-Based Strategies, Measures and Actions to Meet School Goals

Goal 1:

By 2024, 75% or higher of K-5 students will perform AVERAGE or above on overall math achievement based on MAP Math or state assessments.

How does this connect to the Graduate Portrait and RESJ Framework

Graduate Portrait

Educator Essentials: Staff demonstrate their ongoing professional knowledge using data to inform continuous improvement of practice. Staff collaborate and use an iterative process that allows for examination and reflection regarding student learning supports.  Every student has access to multiple tiers of support and acceleration as needed.

Board adopted success growth percentage:

  • African American Students  by 4.4 percentage points per year.
  • Pacific Islanders by 4.1 percentage points per year.
  • Native - American  Students by 3.5 percentage points per year.
  • Latino Student by 3.2 percentage points per year.
  • Asian Students by 1.2 percentage points per year.

RESJ Framework

The way in which we assess and evaluate student math data will  incorporate and bring forward RESJ values and principles. Explicit connections to RESJ practices will be implemented in a continuous improvement cycle and collaboration to improve student outcomes. Teams will isolate race as we disaggregate the data.

Which PPS- specific domain(s) does this goal support?

In what ways?


One teacher each grades 1-5 part of 3-year grant supporting departmentalization of Math.

Talent Development

All teachers trained in iReady math curriculum, math departmentalized teachers continuing math PD into 2022

Stakeholder Engagement and Partnership

Well-Rounded, Coordinated Learning

Coordination with neighborhood schools for PLC and professional development to support all classroom teachers, especially those departmentalized for math. Systems built into academic blocks and academic support.

Inclusive Policy and Practice

What are we going to do?

Strategy #1.1

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

designate one teacher per grade level to provide math instruction and one teacher per grade level to provide ELA instruction  for all students at 1st-5th grade levels,

Then… (this will happen)

teachers will have time to develop expertise and deeper understanding of their content curriculum

And… (this will be the benefit)

students will receive more robust and differentiated math and ELA instruction consistent across grade level

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




Participation in PLC, cross-school Job-Alike,

Classroom walk-throughs, PLC discussions, learning targets are visibly posted and discussed,  

Participation in cross-school Job-Alike/PLC,

Continued PD for implementation and increased skills

Delivery of Math PD to staff

Add Participation in cross-school Job-Alike/PLC  

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)


Decrease by 50% percent the number students performing LOW on their overall MAP math achievement or state assessment.


Decrease by 50% the number of 5th grade students in LOW and decrease by 25% the number of students in LOW AVERAGE on their overall MAP math achievement or state assessment


Have 80% or higher of K-5 students performing at AVERAGE or above on overall MAP math achievement or state assessments.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)


Create Master Schedule

July 1, 2022



Provide opportunities for grade level teachers to collaborate, coordinate, support with other grade level teachers on math curriculum---Job Alikes- PLCS



Provide time for designated math teachers  to provide school level PD




enhance PD connecting speaking and listening rubric areas to Productive Struggle opportunities in iReady

beginning August 2023


What are we going to do?

Strategy #1.2

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

add an academic support block in the Master schedule for each grade level

Then… (this will happen)

teachers and specialists will dedicate at least one 6 week cycle to flood with math individualized Tier III student support

And… (this will be the benefit)

And student outcomes in math will improve.

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




Decrease by 10% students receiving Tier III to Tier II interventions. Decrease by 10% students receiving Tier II interventions.

Decrease by 20% students receiving Tier III to Tier II interventions.  Decrease by 20% students receiving Tier II interventions.

Decrease by 20% students receiving Tier III to Tier II interventions. Decrease by 20% students receiving Tier II interventions.

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)




Decrease by 50% percent the number of students performing LOW on their overall MAP math achievement or state assessment.

Decrease by 50% the number of 5th grade students in LOW and decrease by 25% the number of students in LOW AVERAGE on their overall MAP math achievement or state assessment

Have 75% or higher of K-5 students performing at AVERAGE or above on overall MAP math achievement or state assessments.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)


Students are initially identified and grouped using End of Year Data Rocks/Essential Skills.

Create 4-6 week cycles to progress monitor

ongoing from September 2021



Create Master Schedule in SY 2022-23

July 1, 2022



All teacher teams will analyze intervention outcomes

4-6 week cycles


ILT, Admin

assure Master Schedule has consistent WIN time that allows for flooding of supports

July 1 2023



Provide retraining on Bridges Intervention, myPath and iReady re-teach resources to support curriculum implementation for WIN

beginning August 2023



Added an part-time interventionist for math

beginning August 2023


What are we going to do?

Strategy #1.3

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

increase academic time in the math block for Tier 2 interventions at each grade level

Then… (this will happen)

Then teachers will be able to provide Tier 2 math interventions to students at least two times per week

And… (this will be the benefit)

and student outcomes for math will improve.

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




Fall - Math MAP K-5: All teacher teams will analyze student outcome data  to determine cycle 1 intervention groups for math.

Winter - Math MAP K-5: All teacher teams will use growth data to determine cycle 2/3 intervention groups for math

Spring - Math MAP K-5: All teacher teams will analyze cycle 4/5 intervention outcomes and compare to spring MAP end of year growth.

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)

By 2022

By 2023

By 2024

Decrease by 50% percent the number of students performing LOW on their overall MAP math achievement or state assessment.

Decrease by 50% the number of 5th grade students in LOW and decrease by 25% the number of students in LOW AVERAGE on their overall MAP math achievement or state assessment

Have 75% or higher of K-5 students performing at AVERAGE or above on overall MAP math achievement or state assessments.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)


Create Master Schedule for 2022-23 SY

July 1, 2022



Ensure each classroom teacher is provided with Tier 2 instructional strategies

August 2021 and ongoing



Present staff with decision rules and tools for Tier 2 interventions

August 2021 and ongoing



Retrain regarding iReady and myPath and Bridges Intervention to provide options for tier 2 materials and opportunities for student supports

August 2023 and ongoing


Goal 2:

 By 2024, 80% or higher of K-5 students will perform AVERAGE or above on overall reading achievement based on MAP Reading, DIBELS or state assessments.

How does this connect to the Graduate Portrait and RESJ Framework

Graduate Portrait

Educator Essentials: Staff demonstrate their ongoing professional knowledge using data to inform continuous improvement of practice. Staff collaborate and use an iterative process that allows for examination and reflection regarding student learning supports.  Every student has access to multiple tiers of support and acceleration as needed.

Board Adopted OSAS success growth added 8.12.22:

  • African American Students  by 4.4 percentage points per year.
  • Pacific Islanders by 4.1 percentage points per year.
  • Native - American  Students by 3.5 percentage points per year.
  • Latino Student by 3.2 percentage points per year.
  • Asian Students by 1.2 percentage points per year.

RESJ Framework

The way in which we assess and evaluate student reading data will  incorporate and bring forward RESJ values and principles. Explicit connections to RESJ practices will be implemented in a continuous improvement cycle and collaboration to improve student outcomes. Teams will isolate race as we disaggregate the data.

Which PPS- specific domain(s) does this goal support?

In what ways?


ILT to provide oversight with SUN partner and Site Council

Talent Development

All K-3 teachers Fundations trained; willing teachers/staff LETRS trained

Stakeholder Engagement and Partnership

SIte Council with SUN partner review of implementation and percentage results

Well-Rounded, Coordinated Learning

Systems built into academic blocks and master schedule

Inclusive Policy and Practice

What are we going to do?

Strategy #2.1

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

add an academic support block in the Master schedule for each grade level

Then… (this will happen)

teachers and specialists will have dedicated time to flood with content specific individualized Tier III student support

And… (this will be the benefit)

And student outcomes in reading will improve.

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




Fall - Reading MAP K-5 & DIBELS: All teacher teams will analyze student outcome data  to determine cycle 1 intervention groups for reading.

Winter - Reading MAP K-5 & DIBELS: All teacher teams will use growth data to determine cycle 2/3 intervention groups for reading.

Spring - ReadingMAP K-5 & DIBELS: All teacher teams will analyze cycle 4/5 intervention outcomes and compare to spring reading end of year growth.

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)

By 2022

By 2023

                By 2024

Decrease by 50% percent the number of students performing LOW on their overall MAP reading achievement or state assessment.

Decrease by 50% the number of students in LOW and 25% the number of 3rd grade students in LOW AVERAGE on their overall MAP reading achievement or state assessment.

Have 80% or higher of K-5 students performing at AVERAGE or above on overall MAP reading achievement, DIBELS or state assessments.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)


Students are initially identified and grouped using End of Year Data Rocks/Essential Skills.

Create 4-6 week cycles to progress monitor

ongoing from September 2021



Create Master Schedule in SY 2021-22

July 1 2021



All teacher teams will analyze intervention outcomes

4-6 week cycles


Admin, ILT

assure time in Master Schedule for WIN that allows for flooded supports

July 1 2023


What are we going to do?

Strategy #2.2

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

increase academic time in the academic block for Tier 2 interventions at each grade level

Then… (this will happen)

Then teachers will be able to provide Tier 2 reading interventions

And… (this will be the benefit)

and student outcomes for reading will improve.

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




Decrease by 10% students receiving Tier III to Tier II interventions. Decrease by 10% students receiving Tier II interventions.

Decrease by 20% students receiving Tier III to Tier II interventions.  Decrease by 20% students receiving Tier II interventions.

Decrease by 20% students receiving Tier III to Tier II interventions. Decrease by 20% students receiving Tier II interventions.

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)

By 2022

By 2023

By 2024

Decrease by 50% percent the number of students performing LOW on their overall MAP reading achievement or state assessment.

Decrease by 50% the number of students in LOW and 25% the number of 3rd grade students in LOW AVERAGE on their overall MAP reading achievement or state assessment.

Have 80% or higher of K-5 students performing at AVERAGE or above on overall MAP reading achievement, DIBELS or state assessments.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)


Create Master Schedule for 2020-21 SY

July 1, 2021



Ensure each classroom teacher is provided with Tier 2 instructional strategies

August 2021 and ongoing



Present staff with decision rules and tools for Tier 2 interventions

August 2021 and ongoing


Admin, ILT

Assure time in Master Schedule allows for tier 2 intervention in academic block at least 2 times per week

July 1 2023


What are we going to do?

Strategy #2.3

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

designate one teacher per grade level to provide math instruction and one teacher per grade level to provide ELA instruction  for all students at 1st-5th grade levels,

Then… (this will happen)

teachers will have time to develop expertise and deeper understanding of their content curriculum

And… (this will be the benefit)

students will receive more robust and differentiated math and ELA instruction consistent across grade level

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




Participation in PLC, cross-school Job-Alike,

Classroom walk-throughs, PLC discussions, learning targets are visibly posted and discussed,  

Participation in cross-school Job-Alike/PLC,

Continued PD for implementation and increased skills

Delivery of ELA PD to staff

Add Participation in cross-school Job-Alike/PLC  

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)


Decrease by 50% percent the number students performing LOW on their overall MAP reading achievement or state assessment.


Decrease by 50% the number of 5th grade students in LOW and decrease by 25% the number of students in LOW AVERAGE on their overall MAP reading achievement or state assessment


Have 80% or higher of K-5 students performing at AVERAGE or above on overall MAP reading achievement, DIBELS or state assessments.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)


Create Master Schedule

July 1, 2022



Provide opportunities for grade level teachers to collaborate, coordinate, support with other grade level teachers on reading curriculum---Job Alikes- PLCS




Provide time for designated reading teachers  to provide school level PD




enhance PD connecting speaking and listening rubric areas to Productive Struggle opportunities in W/W

beginning August 2023


Goal 3:

By 2024, all relevant school teams use Tier I, Tier II and Tier III student empowerment and engagement outcome data (Successful Schools Survey) to assess and adapt Tier I, Tier II and Tier III support practices.

How does this connect to the Graduate Portrait and RESJ Framework

Graduate Portrait

Community-minded, connected and collaborative--school teams and community partnerships working together in frequent and transparent communication and relationship-building with students and families to reduce barriers to achievement, engagement and  participation.  

Racial equity and social justice work will build future leaders that are equipped to create a more equitable world and disrupt systems of oppression with a particular focus on identifying and dismantling the dominant historical narrative. (white perspective)  Students respect the perspectives of all cultures. As racial equity-driven problem solvers, they engage in community conversations about social justice issues and help develop and implement solutions that respect and include the perspectives of other cultures.

RESJ Framework

Apply our racial equity and social justice lens in responding to diverse needs of students through PLCs and SIT team processes

Use data analysis and data-driven decision making to inform academic, social emotional and behavioral supports

Increase opportunities for students to identify and work on racial equity issues impacting their educational experiences

Which PPS- specific domain(s) does this goal support?

In what ways?


Students and staff use NPFH committee work to drive the focus

Talent Development

Stakeholder Engagement and Partnership

Parents are notified of upcoming themes and have a method for feedback and suggestions for planning

Well-Rounded, Coordinated Learning

Embeds SEL with a focus on anti-bias into curriculum

Inclusive Policy and Practice

Inclusive of all students and staff

What are we going to do?

Strategy #3.1

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

If we.....use individual goal setting school-wide,

Then… (this will happen)

then teachers......can support students in setting in their self identified areas of growth,

And… (this will be the benefit)

and students.....will report being more engaged in school and their academics as measured by the Successful Schools Survey.

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




100% of teachers will support all students in setting individual goals

Note 9/2023: We are suspending this strategy until a future date.

100% of teachers will hold regular check-ins with students to progress monitor their individual goals

Note 9/2023: We are suspending this strategy until a future date.

100% of 3-5 teachers will survey students as appropriate for Successful Schools Survey


Note 9/2023: We are suspending this strategy until a future date.

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)




By Spring 2022, 8% increase in sense of belonging, student relationships and engagement as measured by Successful Schools Survey.

By Spring 2023, 8% increase in sense of belonging, student relationships and engagement and teacher-student relationships as measured by Successful Schools Survey.

By Spring 2024, meeting overall 80% in each domain, with an 8% increase in sense of belonging, student relationships and engagement, student engagement and teacher-student relationships as measured by Successful Schools Survey.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)


shift to Climate and ILT for 2023-24

Culturally Responsive Tool for Staff and Culturally Responsive Student Rubric The Equity Committee is working on a checklist of inclusive and equitable practices, which would address the 3rd item (inclusive practices and policies).

End of 2022 School Year for reflection, beginning of 2022-23, and midway and end of year collection.

Continue use into 2023-24

Fit goal 5.2

Instructional Practices

Resume focus on student discourse in all subject areas including specials and support spaces

Develop and post target strategies for each grade

Having regular staff meeting time for ELA and Math teachers to collaborate with the focus on engaging student discourse and implementation in class

Create school-wide sentence frames to help with discussions posted in classrooms?

ongoing 2023-24

FIT goal 5.3


Teachers engage in PD to enhance their toolbox for Community Circle curriculum

August 2021

refresh August 2023


Classroom Teachers

Implement daily SEL time that includes 2nd step, Teaching Tolerance SJ standards, or Community calendar

Ongoing starting September 2021

continue 2023-24


Grade Level Teams

In Quarterly PLC, review plan

Ongoing starting September 2021


Staff Meeting

Climate conversation

one time per month



Provide quarterly scope and sequence and consult as needed

Ongoing starting September 2021


What are we going to do?

Strategy #3.2

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

increase our level of engagement with student families with chronic and severe attendance

Then… (this will happen)

then staff....will be able to provide case management responsibilities for targeted students.

And… (this will be the benefit)

and student attendance and engagement will improve.

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




ASERT will meet regularly and discuss family connections and assign case manager for communication

Percent of families needing case management for attendance will reduce by 10% due to positive school relationships

Percent of families needing case management for attendance will reduce by 10% due to positive school relationships

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)




By Spring 2022 - Successful Schools Survey data of African American students will increase by 5%  in  sense of belonging, engagement, and teacher-student relationships. The team will also monitor attendance records on dashboard.

By Spring 2023 - Successful Schools Survey data of African American students will increase by 5%  in  sense of belonging, engagement, and teacher-student relationships. The team will also monitor attendance records on dashboard.

By Spring 2023 - Successful Schools Survey data of African American students will increase by 5%  in  sense of belonging, engagement, and teacher-student relationships. The team will also monitor attendance records on dashboard.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)


SART will meet bi-weekly and as of 9/2023 - SART will attend a district 4 hour attendance training.

Ongoing starting September 2021



communicate with relevant homeroom staff




assign case management for communication with family/teachers




report to MTSS and Climate about results

at least monthly



use District liaison for additional supports as needed



What are we going to do?

Strategy #3.3

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

If we..... provide a comprehensive counseling curriculum K-5 supporting student empowerment and global citizenship

Then… (this will happen)

then counselors.....will facilitate weekly mental health and No Place For Hate lessons using TT SJ and RESJ curriculum (Identity, Diversity, Justice, and Action)

And… (this will be the benefit)

and students will be able to stand up to bullying in many forms while building the self-confidence to be an ally and a leader.

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




Counselor will provide weekly lessons to students

 Classroom teachers will reinforce concepts and strategies as reported during climate staff meeting and a reduction by 10% of stage 1 referrals for bullying behaviors

reduction by 10% of stage 1 referrals for bullying behaviors.

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)




Successful Schools Survey data will show students reporting a 5% increase with student safety and student relationships.There will be an increase in understanding of the TT SJ (identity, diversity, justice, and action) as measured by pre and post data.

Successful Schools Survey data will show students reporting a 5% increase with student safety and student relationships.There will be an increase in understanding of the TT SJ (identity, diversity, justice, and action) as measured by pre and post data.

Successful Schools Survey data will show  students reporting a 5% increase with student safety and student relationships.There will be an increase in understanding of the TT SJ (identity, diversity, justice, and action) as measured by pre and post data.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)

Counselor and Administration

Plan and facilitate weekly classroom lessons

Ongoing starting September 2021          


Climate Team and Counselor

Update SEL scope and sequence year long plans for each grade

Ongoing starting September 2021          


Climate Team and Counselor

Provide training for school personnel to access tools and implement expected scope of lessons

Ongoing starting September 2021          



Yearly, review and adjust schoolwide agreements about master schedule, expectations, SEL scope and sequence and health GVC

Ongoing starting September 2021          


School Staff

Use character awards as a way to recognize students for understanding and applying skills taught in SEL lessons

Ongoing starting September 2021          


What are we going to do?

Strategy #3.4

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

If we..... provide student leadership opportunities for 5th grade students focused on anti-bias and anti-discrimination.

Then… (this will happen)

then counselors and staff.....will meet weekly with students for the No Place For Hate Committee

And… (this will be the benefit)

and students and staff will promote respectful, inclusive and safe classrooms and communities and understand the value and benefits of diversity while promoting justice and equity

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




NPFH staff committee members will be selected

review of agendas and lessons yield successful implementation of lessons and strategies

25% reduction of stage 1 referrals for bias, discriminatory, or hate-related offenses

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)




100% fidelity of implementation of NPFH lessons aligned to TT SJ Standards. Successful Schools Survey data will show students report 5% increase of student climate and student safety.

100% fidelity of implementation of NPFH lessons aligned to TT SJ Standards. Successful Schools Survey data show students report 5% increase of student climate and student safety.

100% fidelity of implementation of NPFH lessons aligned to TT SJ Standards.Successful Schools Survey data will show students report 5% increase of student climate and student safety.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)

Counselor and Administration

Provide and plan space and support for NPFH committee meetings.

Ongoing starting September 2021      



Counselor and support staff will facilitate NPFH meetings.

Ongoing starting September 2021      



Yearly, review and adjust schoolwide agreements about master schedule, expectations, SEL scope and sequence and health GVC

Ongoing starting September 2021      


School Staff

Enforce school wide NPFH language and expectations.

Ongoing starting September 2021      



Participate, provide feedback to Committee

school year 2023-24


What are we going to do?

Strategy #3.5

Written as a Theory of Action and reflects evidence-based practices

If we… (do this action)

If we use communication methods/ technology that families find meaningful, convenient, and useful

Then… (this will happen)

Then staff will use Google Meet/Zoom parent teacher meetings, Remind, School Messenger, Seesaw, weekly electronic newsletter, email as ways to promote dialogue with students and families

And… (this will be the benefit)

and students and families will have opportunities for ongoing two way communication with staff regarding school programming, student academic concerns including ongoing feedback.

How will we know the plan is working?

Measures of Evidence for Adult Actions (connect to your “then” statement)




100% attendance for Fall conferences using a variety of meeting options

80% of families have ongoing 2-way communication with teacher as documented via Remind/email/text or other responses

Promotion of Successful Schools Survey for families by teachers yields participation by grade that is at 30% or higher

Measures of Evidence for Students (connect to your “and” statement)




Increase percentage by 9% Barriers of Engagement --parent schedule--, Increase family-school communication as measured in Successful Schools Survey.

Increase percentage by 8% Barriers of Engagement --parent schedule--, Increase family-school communication as measured in Successful Schools Survey.

Increase percentage by 8% Barriers of Engagement --parent schedule--, Increase family-school communication as measured in Successful Schools Survey.

How will we get the work done?

Person or Team Responsible

Change Ideas to

be Implemented This Year

Due Date

Related FIT Item(s)

(Consider 1 or 2)

Grade Level Teams

Seesaw access and announcements, Remind notifications, and newsletters

For 2023-24: use curriculum family letters for Fundations, Wit and Wisdom and iReady as units/modules progress

ongoing weekly beginning September 2021

shifting to curriculum scope 2023-24


Admin Team

weekly newsletter emailed to families with text reminder, print option for families based on survey responses

ongoing weekly beginning September 2021


Community Agent/School Secretary/Lionsbridge

translations and interpretation of printed messaging and live school meetings

ongoing weekly beginning September 2021


Individual/School Staff

post schedule weekly through Seesaw and/or Remind and message to families

ongoing weekly beginning September 2021


Site Council

use survey to gauge family ability to be involved in school

school year 2023-24


Site Council

use SSS data from families 2023 to survey and adjust connectedness/engagement as appropriate

school year 2023-24

School Plan Self-Monitoring Routines

Please describe the school plan to install quarterly or trimesterly “Plan - Do - Study - Act” (PDSA) routines.

Example: Goal 1 data will be reviewed shortly after the data from each administration of MAP is available.

At quarterly intervals and also after receiving school-level data (MAP, DIBELS, Successful Schools Survey),  our multiple school teams (MTSS, ASERT, Site Council, PLC) will review assigned goals and strategies and document progress monitoring.

Goal 1: PLCs will monitor student performance through frequent assessments in content areas and implement Tier 2 “right-now” flexible groups within the academic block. Students still not meeting after 2 weeks of Tier 2 instruction will be shifted to Academic Support services provided during the academic support block. Teams will monitor at 2-week intervals and adjust as appropriate. PLC’s will report quarterly on progress.

Goal 2:PLCs will monitor student performance through frequent assessments in content areas and implement Tier 2 “right-now” flexible groups within the academic block. Students still not meeting after 2 weeks of Tier 2 instruction will be shifted to Academic Support services provided during the academic support block. Teams will monitor at 2-week intervals and adjust as appropriate. PLC’s will report quarterly on progress.

Goal 3: PLCs and MTSS team will evaluate student regulation in an ongoing way, adjusting support as needed. SIT team will review student data, along with ASERT, PLC and MTSS. Whole class themes can be adjusted based on “right-now” needs. Counselor groups and individual supports will be implemented as appropriate. Monthly staff meeting with a MTSS focus will collect relevant data at least quarterly for overall review.

The chart below is to be completed at the time of each review of goal data. Extra rows can be added as needed.  

Performance Updates


Strategy (e.g. “1.1 Increase % of students reading at grade level…”)

What does your evidence show?

What is working? What is not?

What will you do? What adjustments are needed?

What supports are being provided? Are they helpful? What more or different is needed?



iReady Diagnostic growth is showing that departmentalization provides consistency of implementation and access to curriculum for all students attending grade level math

the math teacher is the expert in the math curriculum

work to implement ongoing and flexible tier 2 math groups across the day. Designate two days per week as math focus during academic support. Change in expectation for teachers and intervention groups to flood math supports two days per week

teachers using myPath this year, more, has helped with ongoing math support for students, especially when used consistently.


1.2 WIN

time in academic support was varied by teacher and/or grade

LAIS supported the math teacher in co-teaching for smaller groups and pulling for tier 2 just-in-time practice


1.3 tier 2

LAIS supported the math teacher in co-teaching for smaller groups and pulling for tier 2 just-in-time practice. At K-3, math teaching time took up most of instructional block most days, no designated tier 2 intervention during the block.

math teacher using a portion of block for tier 2 and my Path at least three days per week during math time

  • master schedule minutes increased but program change for implementation of these supports. Now that teachers are two years in, making an adjustment is more easily implemented



departmentalization has allowed for focused supports to specific teachers to refine and prepare for implementation of the new curriculum

In our grade level with 3 classes, we used departmentalization to include FUndations/content as a rotation. In K, 2, 3 homeroom teacher taught FUndations and content

determine skill sets for new staff to Woodlawn to determine model for departmentalization (two new second grade teachers to team)

training and check-in for fidelity of implementation . BUilding Coach will monitor for implementation and coaching needs

3.1 goal setting

evidence showed that teachers were overwhelmed with new curriculum and did not have time to cycle past the intro and first goal setting time in the fall

lessons to jump off the soft start were effective based on student conversation and referencing the tools and anchor story. We backed off after first quarter due to time constraints

The goal and process was shared with families at the fall conference

we need to re-evaluate a system to better monitor ongoing engagement, perhaps using an internal survey periodically to gauge student response and make adjustments as needed. Our CLimate team will work to develop an initial and mid-year survey for 3rd-5th graders to be completed in class and reviewed during PLC

once our new climate eam has a sense of their scope from the District, we can work to embed this into our work and into our school calendar

Update as of 6.11.24

Strategy 3.1: Individual goal setting; some teachers were able to fit this into their schedule but this was not completed school wide.

Each classroom has daily SEL time and engages in community circles regularly.

Climate team delivered monthly PD to engage staff in community circles and discuss implementation for students.  



What does your evidence show?

African American students showed an increase of 6% in engagement, and increase of 4% in sense of belonging, and and increase of 4% in teacher-student relationships as measured by the SSS student survey data 2022-2023.

Year to date attendance for 2022-2023: 91% ADA (down 1% from 2021-2022).

What is working? What is not?

The ASERT team meets once a week to discuss attendance support and to remove barriers to attendance (food, shelter, transportation needs). Our engagement, sense of belonging, and student-teacher relationships all increased (we had wanted a 5% increase, and were very close (4% and 6%).

What will you do? What adjustments are needed?

Woodlawn will continue to meet weekly as a ASERT team. Woodlawn will send out letters at the beginning of next year to all students who have chronic and severe attendance concerns. Woodlawn, in the 2023-2024 school year will promote positive impacts of good attendance and incentivise positive attendance with awards and announcements. In the weekly school counseling lessons, themes regarding having good  attendance, responsibility around school attendance, and productive routines will be addressed.

Woodlawn’s NPFH team and the weekly counseling lessons held Black Excellence Week, Black History Month, and MLK day and activities - we will continue to do these activities in the 2023-2024 school year.

What supports are being provided? Are they helpful? What more or different is needed?

Classroom teachers will be provided with names and reports for students who struggle with attendance and academics and both fall and spring conferences will be held for these students to encourage positive attendance.

NPFH will continue activities that highlight African American achievements and encourage African American engagement.



ASERT will attend an attendance team training hosted by Student Attendance Coach in October

Update as of 6.11.24

Strategy 3.2: Attendance team meets weekly to highlight students and families that have had changes in attendance. School wide attendance parties were implemented in May for classes that had 100% attendance for 10 days. Teachers reported that the attendance parties were helpful and showed a difference in both attendance and morale in the classroom. Our attendance rates did not significantly change. As of 6.11.24, we had 4 students in “acute,” 47 in “severe,” 75 in “chronic,” 89 in “acceptable,” and 105 in “good standing.” Members of the attendance team attended parent meetings, wrote in the newsletter, and implemented attendance prizes alongside WOW ticket prizes.


3.3 and 3.4

What does your evidence show?

In 2021-2022 there was one incident of bullying, in 2022-2023 there was also 1 incident of bullying, there was no decrease in the percentage of bullying incidents, but the incidents were very low.

According to the SSS data for Woodlawn students in 2022-2023, student safety was 60% (there was no change), and student relationships was 70% (1% decrease) so we did not meet our goal of improving student safety and student relationships by 5%.  

What is working? What is not?

The weekly counseling lessons and NPFH students created and presented a series of identity-based bully lessons that were well-received. We used the Bias + Bullying = Identity-Based Bullying lesson from the NPFH Activity Library. This lesson was taught to each classroom at Woodlawn over a two-week period. No Place for Hate students created content for the lesson by writing and filming short videos that were used in the classroom lessons. The NPFH students used the 6 Ways to be an Ally handout as inspiration when coming up with different scenarios for the videos that were used in the lesson (each video has a bullying incident and then demonstrates how to be an ally).


What will you do? What adjustments are needed?

2022-2023 - NPFH started after the winter holidays, in 2023-2024 we plan to start earlier, so that we can focus on our identity, race, justice and action lessons and activities all year long.

What supports are being provided? Are they helpful? What more or different is needed?

In the 2023-2024 school year, more Slumberkins curriculum will be added to NPFH activities and classroom lessons.  Specifically, we will be addressing self-esteem, building connections, and conflict resolution through lessons and NPFH activities.

Update as of 6.11.24

Strategy 3.3 & 3.4:  Counselor provided weekly lessons to each class throughout the year. NPFH engaged in school wide anti discrimination events this year focusing on identity based bullying. Students created video skits that were shared with the student body that promoted anti bullying and anti discriminatory behavior. More time for NPFH to meet is needed for more in depth projects and activities to take place.

NPFH students reported that they enjoyed being part of an anti-bullying group and spreading positive messaging. They reported that bullying decreased school wide.

3.4 NPFH

see 3.3


Update as of 6.11.24

Strategy 3.5: Families are surveyed on preferred methods of communication at the beginning of the school year and receive information accordingly. Weekly newsletters went home with students in both paper and digital forms and were available in multiple languages. Teachers use Remind to communicate with families regularly. Families were surveyed midway through the year, we discovered families are happy with school wide communication but would like more frequent communication from classroom teachers. This data was shared with teachers in order to implement more frequent communication from the classroom.  


Strategy (e.g. “1.1 Increase % of students reading at grade level…”)

What does your evidence show?

What is working? What is not?

What will you do? What adjustments are needed?

What supports are being provided? Are they helpful? What more or different is needed?



We did 3 terms of 8 weeks of Tier III Academic Support in Reading with a focus phonemic awareness by and response to intervention based on data measure in  the , Fall/ Winter/ Spring with Weekly Progress Monitoring for grades 1st-5th, using the Assessments in the Phonics for Reading Curriculum along with using DIBELs for students in 1st and 2nd grade.

Embedded progress monitoring used both formatively and summatively

Fall started with the Intensive  Strategic students in groups of 4-6 for 30 minutes Mon-Thurs for Instruction with Friday assessment, who were just on the borderline of meeting, and the intentional focus was to get the students close to meeting “over the hump”. This did appear to work based on scores from Fall 2023 MAP,  embedded assessments (Phonics for reading Final Assessments in the 8 week cycle), LETRS assessments, other formative measures.

The Fall had the highest number of students ( which was too many to be fully effective

1st =10

4th = 7

3rd = 9

other grades were 4 or less)

Winter and Spring Terms we repeated the pattern of intervention with the students that did not exit out and additional  students who present needs based on assessment data.

Started right away ( 3rd week of School Sept 7th after Soft Start) and used 2022-23 school year Spring data to form reading support groups rather than using this time for assessment.  This benefited by provide additional immediate support.

However, it gave overall less time with the Intensive Students who are in greatest need of supports due to the lowest scores and need for the greatest gains to reach grade level.

In addition 30 minutes was not enough time to get through the Just Words curriculum.  The transition time impacted it being a full 30 minute block and further the ideal amount of time needed to dedicate to a lesson in this curriculum is 45 minutes to be fully effective.

Need more formal training for EAs with continual check-ins / additional trainings as the  year progresses.  Which can be done by the Reading Specialist, however, additional time is needed for training  to be done before groups get started.

During Soft Start the first two weeks of school, or during the pre-service week, additional time needs to be provided to both the Reading Specialist and the Educational Assistants  or Paras who need to be trained.   A half day amount of training time will allow for all aspect to be initially covered, with planned follow up training session of 1 hour every other week for the 1st quarter and then at least one hour per quarter for  Winter and Spring or as needed to increase EA/Para effectiveness in implementing curriculum.

Currently try to meet after group and collect data, so meet every other week to discuss how things are going.

We are unsure if we want to go with the previous model of starting service with the Intensive Strategic  students first next year.  As it all depends on how many students we have in need of intervention.  The Intensive students end up receiving less support overall through the course of the year if we go this route.

Ideally, having only 4 students in an intervention group is most effective.   Up to 6 is possible, but not ideal.  It depends on how many students are not meeting based on Spring 2023 MAP data.

Also having a trained Educational Assistant from the beginning of year ( pre-service week for training)  will impact how many students can be served immediately.

Having a trained certified teacher 1 day per week ( done as a  pilot this year ) every Friday, all day, to assist with assessing all students allowed for effective progress monitoring was essential in collecting data, monitoring growth,  and informing instruction, along with moving students between groups based on progress data, to move students to the next level of skills, such as Intensive to Strategic with the goal of exiting additional intervention.

What more or different is needed?

How can we set up the classroom teachers with the appropriate strategic curriculum for those students with Intensive needs in the Fall as the Intensive Strategic students on the borderline are served with groups 1st, while the other Intensive students are waiting for intervention support groups.  This year there were too many students in the Intensive and Strategic combine that needed to be served at the beginning of the year.

Developing a plan for direct supports that can be realistically implemented in the classroom by the teacher.  For example in 1st grade we began switching off students within

We had 10  students and we were able to support both groups by having the Reading Specialist switch with the Educational Assistant 3 days a week, so the more highly skilled educator could directly serve students and refine instruction to be then implemented by the EA  continuing the cycle throughout the quarter.



What does your evidence show?

What is working? What is not?

Various co-teaching models (speak and add, duet, parallel, lead and support) by ELA and ELD teachers. This helped support academic vocabulary, foundational skills, grammar and access to grade level content.

Co-planning by ELA + ELD  teachers to provide scaffolds and support needed for access to grade level tasks.

Small groups pulled by ELD teacher during ELA block to frontload vocabulary, provide reteaching and necessary scaffolds for access to grade level content.  

ELA/ELD foundational skills support in K/1.

What will you do? What adjustments are needed?

Further collaboration with ELA/ELD teachers to determine where supports and scaffolds will be needed.

What supports are being provided? Are they helpful? What more or different is needed?

ELD teacher push-in support during ELA block.


Goal 2

No Longer using DIBELS for Benchmark ELA.

District adopted MAP Fluency, and we will adjust to using that data for our Fall, Winter and Spring Benchmark data.


Goal 1

We are including iReady Diagnostic data as our school-wide benchmark data

K-5 teachers will be administering the diagnostic test

What does your evidence show?

What is working? What is not?

What will you do? What adjustments are needed?

What supports are being provided? Are they helpful? What more or different is needed?


Goal 1


K-5 iReady spring data shows overall average or higher at 49%

K- 38%

1- 53%

2- 56%

3- 47%

4- 59%

5- 54%

Growth target:

51% overall met at 100% for growth target

12% hit 80-99% of their growth target goal

need disaggregated data from dashboard as iReady only does Hisp/Lat and not

*LAIS at 4th/5th working with Black and Native students

*Departmentalized with 1 teacher teaching all students at the grade level

*Use of MyPath consistently

All classrooms will use MyPath for 2 lessons completed per week with intentionality in turing domains on and off.

Teachers will check in every 4-6 weeks to monitor domain completion and adjust for student growth. To be reviewed at a scheduled PLC

lagging skills by grade:

K- num and oper



3rd- geometry


5th- alg/alg thinking

Classroom teachers using small group time daily to meet with just-in-time reteaching

Explore pushing another person into grades 1 and 2 to provide tier 2 group/support during core. (i.e., math lesson ends everyday at 10:35 so small group can happen everyday until 10:55)

focus on vocabulary (cards) and skill practice fluency (may need more than the one or two pages per lesson and not for homework) Maybe a common core website page fluency practice page

use 3-level placement for iReady report reading in fall 2024 (to identify those students who are at the beginning of that grade level)

intentionally scheduled looks in PLC

At the beginning of the year, teachers look at the spring data to start.

We believe that if we can move students in gradeK-2 into grade level, then the number of students in 3rd-5th that are in the red will be minimal. We recognize that the yellow will likely grow, but the math will be accessible to all students if the red is minimized.

Tier 3 math groups must be pre-requisite skills for what is being worked on in class (not following a separate trajectory of skill progression) to create more access points for students in the grade level lessons

Perhaps a point person for math to help guide access (for teachers) to materials that can be used for tier 2 and PD is delivered monthly to shed light on the resource

need to review dashboard for disaggregated data AND correlate low growth and low attendance to rule out/in support

Goal 2


Goal 3