OGMS Newsletter
Principal's Message
Hello Ockley Families,
It was amazing to see so many families at our Back to School Night. Our Leadership students added in a Prize Give-Away and Childcare this year, both of which were a hit! We also held our ELD Family Meeting, TAG Meeting and Title I Meetings. If you missed those and are interested in reviewing the information, you can use the links below:
I want to take a moment to recognize and celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month. This month offers an opportunity to honor and celebrate Latino contributions to our community. Students will learn about and recognize these contributions during our Friday Advisory time.
Finally, a few safety related reminders. We ask that students not come to school with large sums of money or items to sell. We have experienced some incidents of theft and believe that it would help for students to not have valuables with them at school. The other safety reminder is that we encourage students to walk home in groups or with a buddy. If your child encounters any concerns on their walk home, please contact the Front Office or have your child report it to an adult in the building.
In Partnership
Julie Rierson
Pronouns: she/her
Principal, Ockley Green Middle School
SUN Registration
Hi families! It is allllllmost time to start registering for SUN Fall term. Registration will open on Monday September 16th. I will be visiting class rooms to talk about our class offerings that day so I wanted to give you some details before.
Term will run from October 7th-December 12th 4:00pm-6:00pm
In order to participate students and families will need to fill out 2 forms: class selection form and the enrollment form(registro en espanol). These will both be published on the school website and sent out via email to families that participated last year. Please make sure your student is involved in the class selection process, this makes everyone’s life much easier. Classes can fill up quick (we are proud to cap our classes at 15 students) so I suggest signing up quick!
More info about daily schedule and protocols will be sent out via email to accepted families. Please reach out with any questions, eprieto@pps.net or by calling the school and selecting SUN ◡̈
Ms. Elisa
Lifetouch Pictures
Dear parents,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number.
All families can also log on and order a FREE Digital SmileSafe card.
More about the Smilesafe program here.
Thank you!
Garden Crew - October 5th
Please come help with our continued garden space clean-up and prep. They will meet 10:00 - 12:00 at the garden.
Questions? Bekki Sims, bekki.jane@yahoo.com
Tissue Needed
Achoo!! It is that time of year where we can not keep enough tissue in the building. We welcome any donations of boxes of tissue for our classroom. You can drop off boxes to the Front Office and we will get them out to our classrooms.
OGMS Calendar
Upcoming Dates
October 1st - OG Supporters Meeting, 7:00, Virtual Meeting
October 11th - No School, Statewide Inservice Day
October 15th - Late Start, Students @ 9:30
November 1st - No School, Grading Day
November 4th - No School, Teacher PD Day