Rigler Family Bulletin
September 1, 2024
Our school year 24-25 has begun!
Throughout the week, classes taught and practiced routines and started to personalize learning spaces. This included visiting the Specials classes (PE, Yoga, Music, Library and Art) students will attend each week. On Thursday and Friday, our Kinder students began, half classes each day.
See below for a few photos from the week.
This Tuesday, we will welcome in our full classes. We are so looking forward to having everyone in the building.
We understand that bus transportation home has not gone according to schedule this week for a number of reasons. We hope to have addressed these and, moving forward, are committed to providing families with Remind updates when such a need arises.
Exterior window painting continues this week. They will be prepping and painting exterior windows on the second floor, SE side of the building. Our painters follow all EPA guidelines and work with us to minimize distraction and disruption to our daily routine.
Please reach out with any questions.
Here's to a great week!
Second Grade Students Reviewing Cafeteria Expectations
First Grade Students at our First Day Assembly
Third Grade Students Reviewing Bathroom Expectations
Maestra Cait and Maestro Arias tour the building with Kinders
Fifth Grade Students
Fifth Grade Students
Important September Dates
September 3rd: STOPPS Bus Safety Drill
September 5th: Fire Drill
September 13th: Café con la Directora (Coffee with the Principal) 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
September 18th: Back to School Night 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
September 19th: Virtual Volunteer Training 6:30-7:15 and will be virtual.
September 25th: Virtual Dual Language Introduction 6:30 -7:30 p.m.
September 26th: In-Person Volunteer Training 8:30-9:15 a.m at school
September 26th: Lockdown Drill
September 26th: Site Council 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
A few logistics...
Morning Arrival
Our doors are open from 7:53-8:00. Students enter the building with their classes, unaccompanied by their families. This allows us to monitor who is in the building.
If a student arrives after 8:00, they must check in with Maestra Ilse at the main office (at the front of the building). If the student needs assistance transitioning to their class, Rigler staff will support them through this.
Thanks to families who have contributed healthy snacks for students to share with their class. While not required, and only an ask for any family who is able, these are appreciated.
Please let the office know when there is a need to change the after-school plan for any reason. The earlier you are able to notify us, the better.
Families who pick up students at Rigler, will meet the teacher on the blacktop behind the school. If looking for shelter from the weather, folks are welcome to stand under the covered area. We need to keep doorways clear for teachers and students to exit the building and move to their designated spots. Also, please remind your student they may only go to their care-giver once they have said good-bye to their teacher and received their class signal in return, messaging that they may go.
News from the Health Office
Dental Sealants
Students in Grades 2 and 3 will participate in a 15-minute presentation regarding dental sealants. Families may have seen information on this in students' first-day packets and students will bring home additional information this week.
In partnership with Multnomah County Health Department, Rigler offers dental sealants to students at these grade levels. Families who wish for this service, will need to sign a permission form. Dental sealants will be provided free of charge to students and the service will take place at school.
Vision Screening
We are excited to be a part of a new PPS partnership with Vision To Learn that provides vision services to students. Vision To Learn is a non-profit organization working in communities across the U.S. offering vision services to students in support of their academic achievement, free of charge. It includes a routine eye exam and, if needed, new prescription eyeglasses.
This Friday, in their Home-School Folders, students brought home copies of Vision Opt-Out Forms. These allow families to communicate if they do NOT want their child to participate. Screening exams will take place on September 11th at school.
Vision exams for students who do not pass the vision screening will take place in October and will also happen at school. All of these services, including the new glasses, are free.
Safety Drills
Information regarding Safety Drills
Every month, we practice 1-2 Safety Drills at school. We stress with students that the purpose of these is to practice so we know what we would do if ever we needed to. At the beginning of the school year, we actually have three drills: Bus Safety (on Tuesday), a Fire Drill (this Thursday) and a Lockdown drill (at the end of the month).
We do a Bus Safety drill with all students, regardless of whether they ride the bus to school or not. This is so they know what expectations are if ever they were an emergency on the bus, whether this is on their daily route or a special field trip.
A Lockdown Drill is what we do to practice if ever there were a person or a dangerous situation inside the building, or police were to determine that a Lock Down is necessary.
At the beginning of the year, we share the date of each drill with students and families to elevate the message of practice and lower concerns that may surface.
Prior to the Lockdown Drill, our counselor, Ms. Lizzie, and classroom teachers will teach trauma-informed lessons to support students' understanding of the purpose and practice for the drill. We will share more information with families later this month.
Volunteer Opportunities
Reminder: Information about Volunteering at Rigler
If you are a returning family, and have already participated in PPS and Rigler's volunteer trainings, there is nothing new you need to do to begin volunteering.
This link will allow you to sign up and help in the following ways (there are both weekly and daily opportunities listed).
- welcome students as they get off the buses
- supervise lunch and recess
- prepare non-perishable food to go home with students through the Portland Backpack program
- operate the PAWS store with 5th grade helpers
Within the survey itself there is more information. Reach out to Ms. Lizzie or Ms. Bancroft to ask questions.
If you are a new family, or haven't yet completed training to become a volunteer, there are two steps you will need to take.
1. Complete the Portland Public Schools Volunteer Training.
2. Attend a Rigler volunteer session.
The first will take place on September 19th 6:30-7:15 and will be virtual. The second will take place on September 26th from 8:30-9:30 a.m. in person at school.
If you are not sure where you are in the process of becoming a school volunteer, please check in with Maestra Ilse in the main office.
News from Padres Unidos
Rigler School Directory
Don’t forget to sign up for the new school directory! And if you’re interested, please consider becoming a Room Parent to help facilitate communication between teachers and families. Send us a message if you have any questions to riglerinfo@gmail.com.
School Contact Information
Our office is open from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Please call with any questions: (503) 916-6451.