Marysville Message
October 6th, 2023
Dear Marysville Families
We are grateful for the hard work that students and staff have been putting in for the start of the school year. Students earned enough positive behavior tickets to fill our "Pawsitive Ticket" bucket. To celebrate that all staff and students received a Marysville School t-shirt.
Students and staff are invited to wear these t-shirts on Monday. This Monday October 9th, we will have our first Monday Marysville Assembly. These short weekly assemblies will highlight student progress and celebrate our community.
Upcoming events:
Reminder - Next Friday 10/13 is Statewide Inservice Day for teacher professional development. The building will be closed and there will be no school for students that day.
Halloween falls on a school day Tuesday 10/31. We recognize and respect that not all families participate in Halloween festivities. At school we will be hosting a Fall Festival that all classes may participate in for a short time during the day. Please stay tuned for more information.
Students are welcome to wear their costumes to school on that day if they would like. We have the following requirements for costumes at school.
- Costumes should be appropriate for all ages.
- Costumes should not have accessories to carry.
- Costumes should be easy to move in.
- Student must still wear their protective masks with their costumes.
- Students who don’t follow the guidelines may be asked to change or call home.
Thinking ahead to Halloween, I would also like to remind families that the district has a wellness policy that applies to healthy foods at school.
"Celebrations and Rewards All foods offered on the school campus are encouraged to meet the nutrition standards set by the USDA and the Oregon Smart Snacks Standards. This includes, but is not limited to, celebrations, parties, classroom snacks brought by parents, rewards and incentives."
We encourage you to limit the amount of candy you let children bring to school after Halloween. Please if necessary, select just one piece of candy to bring in their lunch. The day after Halloween can be a challenging day if children have stayed up late and eaten lots of sugar, so we appreciate everything you can do to support them being ready to learn on the next day.
We also appreciate your help in not allowing your students to bring a lot of chips, candy or sugary drinks to school on any day. For many health reasons, we do not allow sharing of food at school and the temptation is just too strong when one student has an entire large bag of snacks with them. Thank you!