Marysville Message
August 25th, 2023
Dear Marysville Families,
We are so excited for the school year to start. Staff has been hard at work all week, preparing physical spaces, planning for instruction and building a collaborative learning community. All we need now are the students and families!
We will welcome our 1st - 5th grade students back for their first day on Tuesday 8/29.
4 entry points for student Drop off at Marysville:
PK students at SE corner
K, 1, 2 students at Front of School
3-5 students at Courtyard
Buses at NW and SW entrances
Staff will be on duty at 8:30 am to monitor students at exterior entrances.
School doors will open at 8:40 am
Breakfast is served as the students enter the school building.
Kindergarten students will have Ramp Up Days on Thursday 8/31 and Friday 9/1.
If your student's last name begins with A - L they are scheduled to attend Thursday, August 31st from 8:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- If your student's last name begins with M - Z they are scheduled to attend Friday, September 1st from 8:40 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Students meet at the front entrance of the building.
PreKindergarten students will have their first day on Monday 9/11.
Optional school supply lists can be found here.
Bus route information can be found here.
The streets around Marysville are very narrow and traffic can become very congested and frustrating around arrival and dismissal times. Our number one priority is the safety of our students and families, so we appreciate your patience and caution during these times.
We recommend that as much as possible you avoid dropping off or picking up any students on the 77th Ave. There is absolutely no stopping or parking in the bus zone along that portion of the street next to the building. Please drop students off towards the back of the playground or on a side street and walk them to the building.
Please see this link for a detailed arrival and dismissal plan.
Important Policy Updates
Health Protocols
Communicable Disease Reporting
If there is any confirmed positive case of a reportable communicable disease, hMPXV (monkeypox), pertussis, measles, meningitis, or if the absenteeism threshold it met, we will continue to coordinate with county health officials and if appropriate inform the entire community. Covid is no longer a reportable disease and no isolation or exclusion from school is required, unless the person has excludable symptoms. Anyone who tests positive will be encouraged to mask for 10 days.
If your student feels sick, please keep them home and report illness to the school, (503) 916-6363 or
Families should review the Symptom-Based Exclusion Chart and OHA’s Communicable Disease Guidance to know when to keep students home due to excludable symptoms or a communicable disease.
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications and all other symptoms are improving.
For more information you can review 2023-24 Family Guide_Preventing Illness & CD in School.
Cell Phone Expectations -
Our goal is to help students to stay focused on learning for the time that they are at school and to avoid getting caught up in social media drama during the school day. For these reasons we have the following cell phone policy at Marysville School. We know many families rely on their students having a cell phone to get safely to and from school, so we recognize they need them daily, but please not in the classrooms.
All cell phones should be silenced or turned off and put away during class, in the hallways during passing periods, during recess, and at lunch.
When is it okay for a student to use their phone?
Students can make calls and check or send messages before/after school.
What happens if a student’s family needs to call a student in an emergency?
Families are asked to contact our main office staff for emergencies during
school hours: 503-916-6363.
What happens if a student chooses to use their cell phone during class/the school day?
1st Instance - School staff will:
● verbally remind the student of the cell phone policy.
Student will turn their cell phone into the office for safe keeping until the end of the school day.
2nd Instance - School staff will:
● remind the student of the cell phone policy
● write a stage one referral
● contact the student’s Parent Contact
Student must put their cell phone in the school office until the end of the day.
3rd Instance & Beyond - School staff will:
● write a stage 2/3 referral and send the student to the office
An administrator will:
● contact the student’s Parent Contact
● relay to the student and Parent Contact the consequence
1st time = Loss of privilege for one (1) day
2nd time = Loss of privilege for two (2) weeks
3rd time = Loss of privilege for four (4) weeks
Final = Loss of privilege for the remainder of the school year
Loss of privilege means that the student will, for the duration, either:
A. check in their phone in the office at the start of the day, and sign it
back out at the end of the day, or
B. leave their phone at home during school hours
Put away means that students give their teachers their cell phones during the school day. Teachers lock the phones away at the beginning of the day and give the students their cell phones back at the end of the school day.
Marysville School Lockers do not have locks so the safest option is not to bring expensive or important items to school. If you must bring something valuable, please give it to the teacher or office to lock up for you and keep it safe until the end of the day.
Food at School- Healthy snacks
All students at Marysville have the option to have the school provided breakfast and lunch free of charge. Each day students will also be provided with a healthy snack, usually fresh fruit or vegetable.
In an effort to promote healthy choices and the best brain development for students during the school day, we request that families not allow students to bringing sugary drinks and large bags of snack food or candy to school.
Because of allergy concerns we do not allow any sharing of food from home between students. So please only send individual lunch or breakfast items for your child.
We also do not have the capability to heat up home lunches for students. If you are sending your child with a home lunch or breakfast, please make sure it is something that can be eaten and stored at room temperature.
If you have any food or allergy concerns for your child, please reach out to your classroom teacher or the Principal. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Hallway Passes
One other policy we have to keep all kids safe during the school day is the use of Hall Passes. Whenever a child needs to leave a classroom during the school day, they need to be with an adult or use a hallway pass that they get from their classroom teacher. Younger students must be with an adult or buddy student in order to leave the classroom. Older students may leave the classroom as long as they have teacher permission and a hall pass.
It is essential that we know where every student is at all times throughout the day. Please share the importance of this with your child. Thank you.
Stay connected. Up to date information can be found anytime on the Marysville Website .
If you have questions or concerns, call the Marysville School Office (503) 916-6363, email or text the school through the Remind App.