Marysville Message
February 23rd, 2024
Dear Marysville Families,
Happy sunny Friday.
Don’t forget that the OBOB tournament is tomorrow 2/24/24! Please arrive by 8:45 for get the team signed in. No food will be provided, so bring a lunch and snacks. The tournament could end around 2pm, but the time is subject to change depending on how the battles go. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Marysville Black History Month Evening Celebration 2/29 5-7pm
Book Fair sponsored by Third Eye Books
82nd Ave Improvement Public Comment
Affinity Group Information Tables
Student performances
Dance and Drumming Performances
- Black History Month Scavenger Hunt
- During our Black History Month celebration, we will be hosting Third Eye Books for a book fair! If you would like to make a donation to buy books for our students in need, please send a Venmo to Ms. Tucker (@Catherine-Tucker-1) before February 29th.
- Throughout the month of February, Marysville students have the opportunity to complete a history scavenger hunt. If you would like to participate with your child this slide show contains all of the posters with the information for the hunt. This year we will have small prizes for participation and we encourage everyone to give it a try. Link to the Scavenger Hunt Sheet or ask for a copy in the school front office.
In the month of March we will have a Lock Down Drill. We know that this drill can cause anxiety for many of us. This year our counselors have received additional training to support students before and after this drill. The district has provided a new program called Sammy and Friends to use. Ms Sakura will be doing a lesson for preK through 2nd graders to prepare for a lockdown drill next month. She will be reading a book called, "Sammy with Friends" to introduce the concept of 'Lock, lights, out of sight' with a trauma-informed approach. Instead of telling kids to 'hide from the bad people', the book reminds kids how to keep themselves safe at school.
After the book she will come into the classroom again with a campus safety associate (they are basically people who have keys to every building and are there to keep everyone safe) to coach kids to practice lockdown drills.
Our hope is to prepare students for lock down drills without traumatizing them.
Here's a little snippet of what the lesson looks like!
We will inform parents of the exact date of the drill in March once it gets closer.
2024 SEED Survey Family Communication
Dear Students & Families,
Between March 13 and April 4, 2024, PPS students in grades 3-11 will be asked to take a short 10-15 minute survey developed by the Oregon Department of Education called the Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey.
The survey is designed to capture students’ sense of belonging and experience at school. It also asks students about their experiences in class, their access to resources, and what they have learned. Survey results are used to create more equitable learning experiences for students and to inform state and local education investment decisions.
Additional Helpful Information
Students can skip questions within the survey if they do not want to or cannot respond for any reason.
The survey will be available for students experiencing significant cognitive disabilities that captures the same information with the support of a teacher or staff member.
Parents or students can decline participation. The simplest way to decline is to have the student start the survey and answer “no” to the first question, which is “Do you want to participate in this survey?” Parents can also decline by completing the form located at the bottom of our SEED Survey web page.
If you have questions or concerns about the survey, please contact your school.
Raising Readers: A Family Workshop coming March 2nd!
Join Portland Public Schools for a FREE K-5 literacy and reading event for families, featuring renowned Indigenous author, poet, storyteller and performer Ed Edmo!