霍华德·钱德勒·克里斯蒂的《宪法签署》这幅20 × 30英尺的布面油画悬挂在美国国会大厦。需要思考的问题是:正规博彩平台国家的宪法是谁起草的?谁是代表?谁不是呢?这将如何影响其内容呢?
As part of our cultural identity unit, our first ELA unit, students will be exploring various perspectives through free-verse lit circle books. These books provide a variety of options and a diverse array of cultural experiences. We have found that books told in verse engage students who may be more reluctant readers. Through this reading they will be tracking poetic technique and language to better develop their reading and narrative writing skills. This will lead to a culminating project where students will create their own free-verse identity poem and collage. Because all 275 8th graders will be reading the books at the same time, we need to purchase quite a few. If you’re able and willing to help out, please check out our Donors Choose page.
",null],["Syllabus for 8th grade Humanities Block. The Syllabus includes class expectations and course curriculum.
Syllabus for 8th Grade SI ELA. The Syllabus includes class expectations and course curriculum.
2021-2022 Classroom Agreements (will link once the class has created them!)
","Supplies: Please use this list, 8th grade supplies, 2021-2022.
For our class, you'll absolutely need: Binder, section dividers, 5 highlighters, two spiral notebooks (one for ELA and one for SS), and all the obvious: paper, pencils, etc.
"],["Parents, please become a Canvas Observer! I will be posting most assignments and all grades in Canvas. I will only post final quarter grades in Synergy (ParentVue/Student Vue)
","Rouse Calendar - no longer active. Assignments will be posted in our Canvas modules. Check the Canvas modules, track your Canvas calendar, and keep track of all in your own planner/agenda.
"],["Here’s a link to our 8th grade HA! Alive U.S. History textbook
Poetry Prompts (for literature & more!)
Helpful handouts for students, including Gold Sheets
Back to School Night will be Virtual! September 30th: Teachers will be meeting virtually for this year’s Back to School Night. More details will come as we near the date.
Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences will be Monday and Tuesday, November 22 & 23, 2021, likely in three sessions: 9-12, 1-4, 5-8. As of now, September 1, conferences will also be virtual. Hold tight for updates!
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