如果你想成立一个你没有在这里看到的俱乐部,找两个朋友,一个老师作为顾问,并与正规博彩平台的学生俱乐部顾问Shar Slaughter女士联系,sharlivias@pps.net,开始你自己的俱乐部!
"],["Astronomy Club
","Every other Monday (started on the 9/16)
","Room 106 ","Fossen
","@mcdaniel_astronomy_club"],["Brawl Stars Club
","Lunch every other week on Thursdays ","Room 290
"],["Card Club
","Tuesdays during lunch","Room 286
"],["Chinese club ","Thursdays @ Lunch (Check Trivory)
","Room 187 ","Kim Wagner ","@mcdanielchineseclub
"],["Dungeons and Dragons club","Fridays at Lunch","Room 31","Glenn Lamotte",""],["Library RATs
","1st and 3rd Wednesdays at Lunch
","Nancy Sullivan
","https://sites.google.com/pps.net/mcdaniellibrary/library-club"],["McDaniel 64","Wednesday and Friday in the makerspace, Thursday in Clark's room (unconfirmed)","Makerspace/Clarks room (not 100% confirmed)","Mr Nathan Chanocua","We have a discord: https://discord.gg/hSrQCWdrAj"],["McDaniel Gaming and Esports Club ","Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during lunch","Makerspace ","Coach Chuck Jones","https://bit.ly/DemLions"],["McDaniel Garden Club
","We meet every other friday, after school from 3:30 to 5:00","Room 105","Kelcy Madison, and Sarah Nealon","@mcdanielgardenclub"],["McDaniel MSA","Wednesday’s during lunch","Room 105
","Ms.Kelsy ","@mcdaniel_msa
"],["MHS Pasifika Society ","Mondays and Tuesdays/ 4pm-5:30 pm","Room 189
"],["Newcomer Club
","1st Friday of the Month
","Room 209
","Ms Gail
",null],["Pickling Party Posse","Fridays at lunch
","Room 101
","Ms. Gill","@picklingpartyclub
"],["Viet Club","Every other Wednesday during lunch (starting on 9/11)","Room 133
"],["Youth HPV Champions","Every last friday on each month during lunch","Room 284
","Mr. James (James Jeffrey-West)","https://youthhpvchampions.org/ @mcdaniel_youthchamps
"]]" id="hidData19710">